
Julia is an autistic girl, an artist who thinks in pictures, passionate and fearless. She loves cakes.

Gaia is a curious girl, an explorer and a dreamer, she is compassionate, loves to swim, to look at stars and to invent things. She can talk to animals.

Kristen is a singer, a songwriter and a storyteller.

Mark is an explorer of lost islands, of lost time and flying mammals.

The City of Helobiae has been founded by the Hero. He is a misfit, a poet, a storyteller, an explorer and a dreamer.


  1. like the way the links work, nice creative. artrambles

  2. Iamrcc

    Thank you for visiting and the like of my post “Clouds and Tree Tops”.

  3. What a fabulous, creative concept you have here! Cannot wait to share it with my children…

  4. Thank you for liking the November News http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/november-news-from-powwows-com/ post on my blog. I enjoyed this little visit here, this morning, and will visit a bit longer, later. ‘Gotta go babysit the my Grandies (Grandcildren), now. Yay!! They are fun.
    Thank you for all that you have done
    ps I clicked “follow”. I think I will enjoy, and learn much, with the evolution of your blog.

  5. Thank you for liking the November News http://bearspawprint.wordpress.com/2012/11/02/november-news-from-powwows-com/ post on my blog. I enjoyed this little visit this morning. I clicked “follow” and think I will enjoy and learn much as your blog evolves. I will visit a bit longe later s just now I must go babysit the Grandies (Granchildren). Yay!! They are fun.
    Thank you for all you have done.

  6. Oops, sorry for the repeat. There was long pause which required me to sign in, and I thought my first comment had been deleted. Yes, I’ll give them each a kiss from you. Then please visit me again. i would like to learn how you put links between pages(?) in your blog, with the highlighted words. And more important, stories behind stories.

    • mp

      It seems that clicking “follow” did not work either on the first attempt (I do not have you in the list of followers). Maybe you should try again.
      To put links between pages, you write a word that defines your link, highlight it, then click the “link” button on top (the chain button), find the exact page you want to link the word to, save it and you are all set. Let me know if it works for you. Take care.

  7. Iamrcc

    Thank you for the like of my Weekly Photo Challenge Geometry post.

  8. Thanks for the like:) enjoyed looking at your story

  9. faceblip

    Thank you for liking my post! Peace to you 🙂

  10. dominicgomez

    interesting use of linking sequential narrative.

  11. I love the way this explanation (synopsis?) links to the relevant parts of the story … very innovative! =D

  12. Thank you for stopping by my blog and ‘liking’! I absolutely love your blog, btw…

  13. Gigi Galore

    What a beautiful blog! 🙂

  14. I followed your “good read” of “Let The Great World Spin” because I have always been fascinated with Phillip Petit’s feat of tightrope-walking between the Twin Towers back then- it is a great book indeed! Thank you!

  15. What an interesting and inspiring site. Well done.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post.

  16. Such a good feeling emanating from this place…..
    Just love this:

    He is a misfit, a poet, a storyteller, an explorer and a dreamer….


  17. Who made these wonderful drawings on your front page?

  18. Hi! I wanted to thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the “likes” on my posts, “Peace” and “Remembrance”. I am happy that you enjoyed them, and I appreciate your visit very much.

    I love, love, love your blog! I have only read a little bit of your story so far, but I feel that I am already falling in love with the concept, world, and characters. I am looking forward to following your blog and to reading much more.

  19. Hi, Thanks for liking Alivanea. Really enjoying the magic of creativity here.

  20. Wow! Love your blog. You’re super talented and creative.Thanks for liking my recent Wishful Thinking Works post. Such a sweet story about friendship! Warm regards, Patrice

  21. Your blog is a magical mystical world of art with design and words. Thank you for visiting my world so that i could visit yours. peace. j.k. (jennifer) 😎

  22. kelihasablog

    Thank you for visiting my blog recently! I really appreciate your time and effort so I could stop by to check out yours. It’s very creative… lovely!

  23. Rune Wyrmwood

    This is a lovely space you have. The artwork and evolving story delight both visually and mentally. I look forward to following the characters’ tales.

  24. Neftali Pablo Basoalto

    What a wonderful and creative blog you have developed. I am overwhelmed by how innovative this site is — and how beautifully you’ve executed your own vision. Thank you for creating this space.

  25. You stopped by my blog and “liked” my Christmas Kindness: A Story post. I am repaying the favor and am very happy to do so. Awesome concept you have here. I love it!

  26. Thanks for accessing my blog (In search of unusual destinations). And thanks for what you’re doing: this is excellent! All good wishes for 2013. Phil.

  27. Wow. Very creative. I’ve never seen a blog like this! Thanks for checking out my blog too, and happy new year!

  28. julzH

    Thank you for visiting and the like on my blog. This is nice!

  29. Diane McNeil

    Thanks for the Like on my pottery blog “Welcome to our Paradise” http://ellisonbaypottery.wordpress.com/about-2/.
    Your blog is beautiful and I’m hooked.

  30. Thanks for the like on my blog “Dreaming of Landscapes.” Your blog looks fascinating, and I look forward to following it.

  31. I love your blog.

    Hey there – I don’t know how you feel about blog awards but recently my blog – billyeats.com — was nominated for the
Liebster Award.
As part of that process, I nominated 11 blog I like and follow, and yours is one of them. If you’re interested in participating,
visit my post on the, Liebster Award (billyeats.com/2013/01/16/liebster-award/). Then please send me the link to your Liebster Award post. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am anxious to continue seeing all the cool material you offer your followers on your blog!

  32. Cool blog! The links and the stories are great. Thanks for visiting mine!

  33. Thank you for Liking my post http://yoginigonepaleo.wordpress.com/2013/01/16/that-elusive-mindfulness/. I have to say, your blog is one of the most interesting I’ve come upon so far. It honestly blew my mind! I’ll definitely be following 🙂

  34. Thanks for liking my Tuscan House post!

  35. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog http://www.walkwithjoy.com – I need more people to help me get this on the road – so touched that you found me. Perhaps some of your followers might be inspired to look too to find Heaven on Earth posted yesterday.
    I really like what you are doing here…..

  36. This is possibly why blogging had to be invented. Brilliant and restrained – a craft in itself.

  37. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog. Your story writing concept is quite creative, and the artwork is so light and airy!

  38. Thanks for visiting my blog and ‘liking’ the Sunbathing Cat!
    You have a unique way of writing. I believe your architectural projects too must be something out of the ordinary!

  39. Pingback: The One Moon Alldays Fortune Cookie | Capt'n o' Capt'n

  40. Hello!! Thank you so much for passing by and liking my drawing, I do really appreciate it!! Your blog it is WONDERFUL, I never seen anything like it and I love it …there is beautiful art on it! 😀

  41. go2net

    What an awesome blog, love the drawings and writing!

  42. Your blog is something out of usual life vision and understanding. It is kind of fresh breath for me. Thank you.

  43. Thank you for liking my post!

  44. I’m not familiar with your blog yet, but I find it wonderfully different and interesting – both texts and drawings are beautiful, thought and dream-provoking –

  45. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award in thanks and recognition of the fine job you are doing blogging. I hope you will accept this award from me. Please go to the address below to see the names of all my nominees and to accept the award by following the simple directions. You too will encourage fellow bloggers! Namaste…..Anne

  46. Thank you for liking my post…..yours is beautiful 🙂

  47. Thank you for liking my post. Nice site!

  48. I love the idea of this blog, and the content is divine, thanks for sharing!

  49. theartofdigitalimages

    Who does the fantastic illustrations ??

  50. Lose and Find

    These illustrations and words are beautiful. Such lovely work, I’m working my way through your posts -C x

  51. Hey, thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. I appreciate it! You have a lot of interesting stuff on your blog. ! keep up the good work!

  52. Lovely blog – I’m a sucker for a spot of storytelling and illustration. Thanks for liking one if my posts too – glad I happened to find you 🙂

  53. Thank you for visiting and liking one of my posts. It has been entrancing to wander through your blog and read your stories.
    Susan x

  54. Fantastic drawings! Thanks for liking my Gothic window doodle.

  55. firecook

    Thank you for liking a post. Good luck on your blog:)

  56. Thank you for liking one of my posts which link me to your blog. What an awesome blog you have. Good luck in all your endeavor.

  57. Thanks for reblogging and congrats for your Blog, it’s really awesome, interesting, beautiful and fun! Good luck with your fantastic drawings!..always keep telling stories.. 😉

  58. Thanks for the recent like on my blog. I have enjoyed discovering yours, it’s fabulous, I love your illustrations. I can barely draw a straight line so I especially like what you do 🙂 Looking forward to seeing more

  59. Michelle Simoom

    Thank you for visiting my website and liking my recent post. Your website is amazing, creative, inspirational and magical. I really really liked it, It`d be a shame if I didn`t follow it 🙂

  60. Thank you for visiting and liking my recent post! Your illustrations are amazing!

  61. Thanks for dropping by my site. I look forward to following yours.

  62. egehlin

    As a visual storyteller, I’m very impressed with your unique format and easy-going narrative. I’m drawn into your story and fascinated by the characters you’ve created.


  63. Merci pour l’ajout d’Undecimus à votre liste. Je suis contente que vous l’avez fait. J’adore votre blog — cette délicatesse, ce tissage prudent

  64. Hey Helo, thanks for stopping by openobserver.wordpress.com. Like your blog and your creativity. Your different characters in this post, to me, reflect the infinite marvel of the diversity of Consciousness as IT expresses.

  65. I am fascinated. Such creativity. Poignant orchestration of beautiful images and wonderful words of story. And, thank you … immensely … for visiting my Other Side of the Trees blog. Peace, T

  66. Thanks for stopping by Storyteller. — Ray

  67. manganmn

    Ye… you guys are so awesome 😀 Nice to meet you!

  68. Thank you for liking one of my post.
    You have a nice blog here 🙂 Keep up the good work!

  69. thanks for liking my artwork on traceybenson.com – much appreciated 🙂

  70. What a unique and wonderful blog you are creating, I’m much enjoying your art work & picking up the threads of narrative.

    All the best.

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